Montvale NJ CoolSculpting Expert

Tired of eating right and working and not getting the results you want? Do you have a soft tummy or love handles that drive you nuts because of the work you’re putting in to get trim that’s not working? Oftentimes diet and exercise alone can’t get rid of the stubborn fat that makes us feel embarrassed about our bodies. Reclaim your confidence and zap the fat away with an easy, non-surgical procedure.

What is CoolSculpting?

CoolSculpting is an innovative procedure developed by scientists at Harvard and approved by the FDA. It uses a technology that using cooling panels to freeze unwanted fat away. Dr. Fiorillo will talk with you at our Montvale NJ office about your desired results and the areas you want treated to determine a plan for your specific needs.

What results can I expect?

Results are different for each person, but most people notice a difference after just one treatment. Additional procedures allow for increased fat elimination and more dramatic results. Dr. Fiorillo will decide with his patients what the best treatment plan is for their individual needs.

Do I need to dramatically change my diet and exercise plan, or take any supplements?

No. Maintaining your current weight will allow for long-lasting results. No changes to what you’re eating or how you’re working out are necessary. You aren’t required to take any pills or supplements either. Many patients, however, have a renewed excitement to maintain their health after the CoolSculpting treatment.

When will I see results?

After three weeks you may notice your stubborn fat has been reduced, though the most noticeable changes are reported after two months have passed. Your body will continue to eliminate dead fat cells for four to six months following your procedure, so be patient if you don’t immediately fit back into your skinny jeans. Sometimes additional treatments may be needed to get the results you desire.

Is this CoolSculpting safe?

Feel confident that every procedure we offer at our Montvale NJ location is safe and FDA-approved. As an added bonus, CoolSculpting requires little to no downtime following treatment in most cases because it is non-invasive.

Eliminate those frustrating fat bulges today by scheduling your free consultation with a CoolSculpting specialist in beautiful Montvale NJ at 845-867-2594.

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